Find where a Ruby class is defined
In an earlier post, I showed how to find the source location for a Ruby method. But maybe we need to see where a class is defined instead. We can do this with Module#const_source_location
We need to start with a defined constant. Object
is the top level so this should generally work fine. Then we give it the class name as a string.
Here’s an example in a Rails project from the Rails console:
pry(main)> Object.const_source_location('ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event')
[0] "/home/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.3/gems/activesupport-",
[1] 58
We can put this together with the line number so we can ctrl-click from VS Code to open the file to that line.
Alternatively, we could use the mouse and click on the file path in the VS Code terminal while holding Control (Linux/Windows) or Command (MacOS).
If we are in IRB, we can use show_source
➤ irb
3.2.3 :001 > require 'active_support'
3.2.3 :002 > show_source ActiveSupport::Notifications::Event
From: /home/myuser/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.2.3/gems/activesupport-
class Event
attr_reader :name, :time, :end, :transaction_id, :children
attr_accessor :payload
def initialize(name, start, ending, transaction_id, payload)
@name = name
@payload = payload.dup
@time = start ? start.to_f * 1_000.0 : start
@transaction_id = transaction_id
@end = ending ? ending.to_f * 1_000.0 : ending
@children = []
@cpu_time_start = 0.0
@cpu_time_finish = 0.0
@allocation_count_start = 0
@allocation_count_finish = 0